[clug] Spreading the joy!

Andrew Smith andrew at coolchilli.com
Wed Oct 27 02:49:01 GMT 2004

On Wed, 2004-10-27 at 12:33, Paul Warren wrote:
> Another thing, this particular company didn't care about network 
> security, their philosophy was that only employees can get into the 
> building to access the Samba Share I set up, so they didn't want 
> passwords protecting it!  I couldn't convince them that this was a "Bad 
> Idea" TM.  and the customer is always right so i let it go
> anyone else seen this sort of thing, and what should I do about it?

I prefer "the customer is mis-informed".  If they're Windows clients,
perhaps inform them of the many network/multi transport virii that use
network shares to spread.  Sometimes a bit of FUD can go your way...


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