[clug] Procmail rule to match all this virus email?

Peter Barker pbarker at barker.dropbear.id.au
Wed Jan 28 21:40:04 GMT 2004

On Thu, 29 Jan 2004, Michael Still wrote:

> I've noe received about 200 of these virus emails.

I have a catchall on barker.dropbear.id.au; I'm getting /lots/ of these

What's this thing doing?

 - changing the "social engineering" text
 - changing the "to" line (trying common names @domain.name?)
 - forging the from line (I received a seemingly-real bounce message)

I can't see any conveniently common string in the non-binary parts of the

There appear to be at least two different payloads, so at least two
strings to try to match in the attachments.

> Anyone got a suggestion for a procmail rule which will filter them out? I
> don't want to drop _all_ mail with zip attachments however...

I'm thinking about matching strings in the attachment. That's about the
best I've come up with.

> Mikal

Peter Barker                          |   N    _--_|\ /---- Barham, Vic
Programmer,Sysadmin,Geek              | W + E /     /\
pbarker at barker.dropbear.id.au         |   S   \_,--?_*<-- Canberra
You need a bigger hammer.             |             v    [35S, 149E]
"They'll need a whole new Orwellian pseudo-crime-name for that... I
 suggest "digital molestation of kittens". -  Jeremi (14640) from Slashdot

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