[clug] Are there ant tutorials/short local courses on Linux u tilities/functions

ben.westgarth at facs.gov.au ben.westgarth at facs.gov.au
Thu Oct 30 11:34:25 EST 2003

That's a pretty good memory you've got there! To remember the phone number
and all... :-)

|         |           "Rousak, Boris"                             |
|         |           <Boris.Rousak at actewagl.com.au>              |
|         |           Sent by:                                    |
|         |           linux-bounces+ben.westgarth=facs.gov.au at list|
|         |           s.samba.org                                 |
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|         |                                                       |
|         |           30/10/2003 11:28                            |
|         |                                                       |
|         |                                                       |
  |                                                                                               |
  |       To:       Ann.Leverton at health.gov.au                                                    |
  |       cc:       linux at lists.samba.org                                                         |
  |       Subject:  RE: [clug] Are there ant tutorials/short local courses on Linux u             |
  |        tilities/functions                                                                     |
  |                                                                                               |
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And on that note about RedHat courses, from memory, the person to contact
RedHat is: Jodie Kane on 02 9293 2916 or see their web-site at:
That said, if your machine runs Debian (or any other distribution of linux
for that matter) I don't know how helpful you will find their courses.

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Barker [mailto:pbarker at barker.dropbear.id.au]
Sent: Thursday, 30 October 2003 11:12 AM
To: Ann.Leverton at health.gov.au
Cc: linux at lists.samba.org
Subject: Re: [clug] Are there ant tutorials/short local courses on Linux

On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 Ann.Leverton at health.gov.au wrote:

> Can you help please.  I would like to learn how to use Linux

We can try.

> utilities/functions.  I need to use these  extract and manipulate data
> are stored  on Linux machines in customised compressed format (not normal

I doubt the data is stored in a "customised" compressed format. The
chances are the data is stored in "tarball" files. If the files end in
".tar.gz", or possibly ".tar.Z", this is the case. The tool used to
manipulate these files are "tar" and "gzip".

> text files).  Do you know if there are any economical (or free), easily
> accessible on-line tutorials on this topic.  Alternatively are can you

The tutorial would depend on how the files are compressed. If you can
supply some sample filenames, and suggest what you want to do with them,
perhaps the list can help further.

> recommend a good short course (1 to 2 days) that is run locally.

Redhat run courses on basic linux skills every now and then in Canberra.
They insist on spamming this list with the details. I suppose that might
be considered a good thing, otherwise I wouldn't be able to suggest those
courses to you :)

Peter Barker                          |   N    _--_|\ /---- Barham, Vic
Programmer,Sysadmin,Geek              | W + E /     /\
pbarker at barker.dropbear.id.au         |   S   \_,--?_*<-- Canberra
You need a bigger hammer.             |             v    [35S, 149E]
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 suggest "digital molestation of kittens". -  Jeremi (14640) from Slashdot

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