[clug] 'bin' files

ben.westgarth at facs.gov.au ben.westgarth at facs.gov.au
Thu Dec 4 23:00:08 GMT 2003

Sorry - I don't know why several extra dots got added to that email. That's
what happens when your forced to use Lotus Notes as your mail client at
work.  What I had intended to write was "./javarpm.bin" (just like a
executing a shell script).

|         |           ben.westgarth at facs.gov.au                   |
|         |           Sent by:                                    |
|         |           linux-bounces+ben.westgarth=facs.gov.au at list|
|         |           s.samba.org                                 |
|         |                                                       |
|         |                                                       |
|         |           05/12/2003 09:48                            |
|         |                                                       |
|         |                                                       |
  |                                                                                               |
  |       To:       Irena & Richard Jenkins <rjenkins at alphalink.com.au>                           |
  |       cc:       linux-bounces+ben.westgarth=facs.gov.au at lists.samba.org, linux at lists.samba.org|
  |       Subject:  Re: [clug] 'bin' files                                                        |
  |                                                                                               |
  | Importance:     |----------------------|                                                      |
  |                 | [X] Normal(24-72hrs) |                                                      |
  |                 | [ ] Urgent(24hrs)    |                                                      |
  |                 | [ ] Low(72+hrs)      |                                                      |
  |                 |----------------------|  |-------------------|                               |
  |                                           | [X] Unclassified  |                               |
  |                                           | [ ] In Confidence |                               |
  |                                           |-------------------| Expires on                    |
  |                                                                                               |

>From memory I think the java stuff comes as self-extracting binaries.
from the directory...


|         |           Irena & Richard Jenkins                     |
|         |           <rjenkins at alphalink.com.au>                 |
|         |           Sent by:                                    |
|         |           linux-bounces+ben.westgarth=facs.gov.au at list|
|         |           s.samba.org                                 |
|         |                                                       |
|         |                                                       |
|         |           05/12/2003 09:23                            |
|         |                                                       |
|         |                                                       |

  |       To:       linux at lists.samba.org
  |       cc:
  |       Subject:  [clug] 'bin' files
  | Importance:     |----------------------|
  |                 | [X] Normal(24-72hrs) |
  |                 | [ ] Urgent(24hrs)    |
  |                 | [ ] Low(72+hrs)      |
  |                 |----------------------|  |-------------------|
  |                                           | [X] Unclassified  |
  |                                           | [ ] In Confidence |
  |                                           |-------------------| Expires
on                    |

That same friend (I do have more) ... got a download for a Java engine in
'rpm.bin' format.  What program does he use for extracting the bin format??

Why do they use these difficult/unusual file combinations??  I guess it
a little on the download!

Irena and Richard Jenkins          VK1NDV & VK1RJ
Canberra,  AUSTRALIA

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