[long] Re: Legal traps in open source

Steven Farlie steven.farlie at anu.edu.au
Wed Oct 30 16:02:33 EST 2002

On Wed, 2002-10-30 at 14:55, Sam Couter wrote:
> Software Engineers don't get taught how to code any more than a Civil
> Engineer gets taught how to pour concrete or an architect is taught how
> to use a hammer.

Well as a undergrad in software engineering at the ANU I beg to differ.
Currently software engineering is taught as Comp Sci + some law,
accounting and project management. In the workplace software engineering
may be different but here I see that anyone that does not understand the
fundamentals of writing programs has little chance of understanding or
writing the design of a program. Personally I think that a software
engineer should have all of the knowledge and skills of a code monkey 
before starting on the high-level stuff like analysis and design.


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