SmartModem 288

Brett Worth brettw at
Tue Nov 26 17:06:07 EST 2002

On Mon, 25 Nov 2002, Irena and Richard Jenkins wrote:

> My SmartModem 288 has three additional LED's on the front surface.  These are
> labelled "Mode' and '1','2', and '3'.  In service they wink at me
> provocatively.  Does anyone know what this is about?

These tell you the current bit rate that the modem has trained to.  There's
a very detailed help to be found at the other end of: AT?

> More importantly how do I stop this winking ...

The help page might tell you.  (minicom)

> which is very distracting!!

What ever happened to the days when people WANTED flashing lights on their
compuer? :-)


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 Cray Australia.
 brettw at +61 2 6295 4023

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