Unreal Tournament slow fps

Brett Worth brettw at cray.com.au
Wed May 29 20:48:33 EST 2002

On Wed, 29 May 2002, Grant Morphett wrote:

> However my 3D accel is terrible.  

When I first installed my NVidia (about 18 months ago) there were
problems with it not doing native GL but rather doing Mesa GL.  This can
really slow things down.  Are you using the libGL.so from Mesa?
Theoretically you should be able to uninstall Mesa if you're doing card
based GL.

The nvidia drivers that come with XFree86 dont do GL.  I had to use the
NVidia ones.

Maybe your's is a similar situation. (Am I making sense? Time to sleep)


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 Cray Australia.
 brettw at cray.com +61 2 6295 4023

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