New clug website?

Michael Still mikal at
Wed Jun 19 09:45:07 EST 2002

Hello fellow cluggers,

after some administrative overhead, I am now the new maintainer of the
CLUG website. Responsibility for things like opening the meeting room and
the email lists still reside with others...

Anyway, my reason for writing is to determine if there are any suggestions
for things that people believe could be done better with the site... For
instance, I am toying with breaking the "one big page" into a series of
smaller pages, to ease access to the information.

Another thing I would like to improve is the list of open source projects
being undertaken by CLUG "members". So, if you've got a project you like
listed, please let me know.

Feel free to make suggestions for the site, be they through this list or
via private email. Please bear in my that I don't have infinite free time



Michael Still (mikal at     UMT+10hrs

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