How to configure 1 quad-size desktop?

Michael James michael at
Wed Jan 30 11:51:47 EST 2002

Sorry for such a basic question
 but how do I get my 4 KDE desktops joined
 so I can slide the cursor across from one to another?

Under Gnome I deleted 3 desktops (it was tricky)
 and then expanded the last one into a quad sized virtual desktop.

This allowed me to slide and drag windows between desktops without menus.

There were settings for edge-flip-hesitation too.


A right not exercised is a privilege
a privilege not exercised is illegal.

Michael James			michael at
8 Brennan St			Phone: +61 2 6247 2556
Hackett, ACT 2602		Mobile: +61 4 1747 4065
AUSTRALIA			Fax: +61 2 6278 0011

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