root window (in)sanity

Nemo - earth native nemo at
Wed Feb 27 10:07:18 EST 2002

I finally found a commandline app that set the root window in what I
described as a "gnomeish" manner - Esetroot. 

I also filed a debian bug report against aterm, which I should really
send a (second) followup to to clarify the bug with what I found out
after I wasn't so wierded out by the whole thing :)

I'd definately like to know what is different between how Esetroot sets
the root, and how almost every other commandline/non-gnome app (that
I've come across anyways[1]) sets the root. 


[1] A short list maestro...
. xsetroot
. xloadimage [2]
. xli [2]
. xstarfish
. qiv

[2] Current xli was forked from an earlier xloadimage.
Both of these apps provide `xsetbg` which is normally my favourite app
for setting root, primarily for one function it has - you can collage
multiple pictures into a single root window from the commandline.

I don't know of any other root wallpapering app that can do that. I'd
love to know if there is one. 

PS. CLUG poll time[3]. What do YOU use to set root? 

[3] This is the sorta thing that maybe should be on an updated CLUG

PPS. Who read this far?[4]

[3] More content *after* I signed off than before. *hee*

On Wed, Feb 27, 2002 at 08:42:53AM +1100, Matthew Hawkins did utter:
> One thing that GNOME apps can do is make use of the WM hints (usually
> implemented as window properties) to determine all sorts of stuff.  This
> includes knowing which desktop they're on and the root window knowing
> what coordinates the app is at.  Doesn't take rocket science to put 2
> and 2 together and get 4 fake transparent windows.
> -- 
> Matt

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