Mail client follow-up

jeremy at jeremy at
Thu Sep 13 07:05:26 EST 2001

Thank you all who responded so promptly.  Some of you are going to be
very tired at work today, I am sure :)

I thought people might be interested in a quick summary of the mail
clients that can cope with MIME attachments enough to display the
message body correctly:

RMAIL, Eudora, IMP, Sylpheed (I'm going to have to try this one just for
the name - v. cool), Netscape, Outlook 2000 SR-1, gnus, pine,
Staroffice, and Tkrat (implies postillion)

I need this because someone on the list (as well as a few others) have
been berating me for using a 'non-standard' mail client.  We're
currently going eleven-to-one on his 'standard' mail client, which is
coincidentally shipped with most versions of windows.  I guess that is
 a standard, in a 'lowest common denominator' kind of way.

I/O, I/O,
It's off to disk I go,
A bit or byte to read or write,
I/O, I/O, I/O...

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