[linux-cifs-client] [mount.cifs] character set conversion

George Thanos gthanos at admin.grnet.gr
Wed May 16 13:54:06 GMT 2007

Dear list,

I have successfully mounted from my debian/etch Linux machine my 
company's Windows file server. However, I still face a problem with the 
appropriate encoding of the filenames. Filenames containing non-english 
characters (greek chars in particular) appear as ????????? in the client.

I suppose that the reason for this problem is an encoding mismatch, when 
I mount the target directory. Probably the server dir filenames are 
iso-8859-7 or cp-1253 encoded, while my terminal expects utf-8.

I have extensively tried 'iocharset' option, but without match success. 
Further, when I try to use cp-1253 in iocharset, I receive the following 
"mount error 79 = Can not access a needed shared library", which 
indicates a missing library.

When I change my terminal from utf-8 to iso-8859-7 or cp-1253 the 
problem remains exactly the same, regardless of the iocharset parameter 
I use.

I use mount.smbfs version 3.0.24 and linux kernel

A similar question has been posted in this list (subject: charset 
convertion issue with linux mount.cifs and samba 3.0.23 at Oct 16,2006), 
but no appropriate answer was provided then.

Any help will be appreciated.

Best Regards,

- George

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