[linux-cifs-client] multiple problems moving up from smbfs to cifs

Jeff Weber jweber at amsuper.com
Thu Jun 7 14:33:40 GMT 2007

I attempted to update my Windows share mounts from smbfs to cifs,
and have encountered several new problems:

1) I can have only one active process reading
the CIFS file.  Starting another process to read the file will block,
until the first process closes the file.

2) My editor, Vim, gives lots of warnings
"WARNING: The file has been changed since reading it ... "
presumably Vim sees the file timestamp unexpectedly change
after it last writes the file.  I have no other processes accessing
the file

3) Listing the directory via "ls --color" shows wacky unlisted
color schemes.  Presumably this is due to the unusual file mode
of "-rwxrwSrwt".

Again, I did not have any of these problems when mounting the same
Windows shares via smbfs.  These new problems are keeping me from
using cifs, until I can solve them.  Here's the previous smbfs fstab
entrythat works fine:
//supermad2/ENG  /amsc/supermad2/ENG           smbfs      uid=weber,gid=users,credentials=/etc/auto.smb.supermad2,workgroup=ASC_WEST 0 0

and here's the same share mounted via cifs, that gives the above errors:
//supermad2/ENG  /amsc/supermad2/ENG	cifs      uid=weber,gid=users,credentials=/etc/auto.smb.supermad2 0 0

My config:
distro: SUSE LINUX 10.1 (i586)
/proc/fs/cifs/DebugData contents:
Display Internal CIFS Data Structures for Debugging
CIFS Version 1.40
Active VFS Requests: 0

2) Name:  Domain: ASC_WEST Mounts: 3 OS: Windows 5.0
        NOS: Windows 2000 LAN Manager   Capability: 0xf3fd
        SMB session status: 1   TCP status: 1
        Local Users To Server: 1 SecMode: 0x3 Req On Wire: 0 In Send: 0 In MaxReq Wait: 0

1) \\supermad2\ENG Uses: 1 Type: NTFS DevInfo: 0x20 Attributes: 0x700ff
PathComponentMax: 255 Status: 1 type: DISK

Jeff Weber
American Superconductor Corp.

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