[linux-cifs-client] RE: [Fwd: POSIX pathnames]

Byron Deadwiler byrond at cup.hp.com
Thu May 26 17:24:36 GMT 2005



I think that adding a new info level (0x200 SMB_SET_CIFS_UNIX_INFO)  to the
trans2_set_fs_info smb is best solution to

enable the UNIX CIFS client to pass it capabilities information to the CIFS
Server.  This solution is backward with version of the client  and server

that won't support this new enhancement.    Client who don't support won't
send it an server who don't support will reply with an error.


That only issue is that the trans2_set_fs_info smb is not described in the
SNIA TR document or in Leach's document, you have to go back to the X/OPEN

Spec to find the description.   Some assistance will probably be needed on
the correct format of the request and response packets for this smb.





-------- Original Message -------- 


POSIX pathnames


Fri, 6 May 2005 04:28:16 -0700


Jeremy Allison  <mailto:jra at samba.org> <jra at samba.org>


Jeremy Allison  <mailto:jra at samba.org> <jra at samba.org>


Steven French  <mailto:sfrench at us.ibm.com> <sfrench at us.ibm.com>


linux-cifs-client at lists.samba.org, jra at samba.org, conrad at apple.com,
eric.raeburn at hp.com


Steve, Conrad, Eric and other client maintainers
who might care,
        I'm looking at making the server support
direct Posix pathnames from POSIX clients. This would 
remove any problems with names containing the
evil (tm) set :
as the server would treat them as ordinary characters,
not mangle on CON: PRT: etc. allow names ending in ".",
essentially be full POSIX semantics. Path separators
will change so that only "/" is valid. This is not a
difficult change for the Samba server, and quite 
unobtrusive for Windows clients, but I've run into
a snag.
The problem is before switching the name parsing
and mangling functions to allow these names I need
to know if the client is going to be using POSIX name
semantics (ie. the client will send me names with a '/'
path separator, not a '\\'). I'm intending to do no
examination of the incoming pathname at all other than
parsing out the '/' separators. What I could do with is
getting capabilities info from the client when it sends
the 0x200 SMB_QUERY_CIFS_UNIX_INFO call to tell me it is going
to do this.
What is the best way to extend the 0x200 call that will
be compatible with the published standard ? Add a new
"set posix capabilities" call ? Add a 8 byte data portion
containing POSIX capabilities in the 0x200 call ?
Please give me your thoughts.

Eric Raeburn
HP Systems Networking and Security Lab
19420 Homestead Road, Mailstop 4029
Cupertino, CA 95014-0606
408 447-2114
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