[Evolution-hackers] Re: [linux-cifs-client] cifs mounted home directory problems

Steven French sfrench at us.ibm.com
Fri Dec 10 20:38:01 GMT 2004

How badly do you all think we need to fix the Windows issue - if we 
believe that Windows has a registry setting for remapping characters 
already (might be more awkward for users to configure though?)
- how  badly do we need to implement a "character stuffing" or equivalent 
approach for remapping invalid characters to Windows and other servers 
that enforce Windows/DOS/OS2/CIFS/SMB etc. valid character set?

Anyone want to recommend a high level approach to such an algorithm  :)

1) set "real filename" in OS/2 EA on the Windows server - but how to 
detect that it is such a file?
2) treat some rare character (whose value is under 0x80 presumably) as in 
effect an escape sequence and specify the illegal character encoded in the 
following character (treat two consecutive occurances of the rare 
character as if it were one).
<propose your approach here>

Steve French
Senior Software Engineer
Linux Technology Center - IBM Austin
phone: 512-838-2294
email: sfrench at-sign us dot ibm dot com
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