[jcifs] get a "Transport endpoint is not connected" error !

胡建宾 ntrees.hu at gmail.com
Thu Dec 16 18:47:59 MST 2010

于 2010年12月17日 08:35, Michael B Allen 写道:
> Hi 胡建宾,
> Yes, I would argue that it is a bug as I think the exception should be
> ignored. You could try creating a bug report with the JVM provider but
> it might be easier to just add a clause to igore it in the JCIFS code.
> Mike
> On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 8:20 PM, 胡建宾 <ntrees.hu at gmail.com> wrote:
>> 于 2010年12月16日 03:27, Michael B Allen 写道:
>> On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 10:30 PM, ntrees.hu <ntrees.hu at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,all
>> I'm working at an application in Android with jcifs. But I get an error like
>> this:
>> W/System.err( 8799): java.net.SocketException: Transport endpoint is not
>> connected
>> W/System.err( 8799):    at
>> org.apache.harmony.luni.platform.OSNetworkSystem.shutdownOutputImpl(Native
>> Method)
>> W/System.err( 8799):    at
>> org.apache.harmony.luni.platform.OSNetworkSystem.shutdownOutput(OSNetworkSystem.
>> java:644)
>> W/System.err( 8799):    at
>> org.apache.harmony.luni.net.PlainSocketImpl.shutdownOutput(PlainSocketImpl.java:
>> 450)
>> W/System.err( 8799):    at java.net.Socket.shutdownOutput(Socket.java:838)
>> W/System.err( 8799):    at
>> jcifs.smb.SmbTransport.doDisconnect(SmbTransport.java:351)
>> W/System.err( 8799):    at
>> jcifs.util.transport.Transport.disconnect(Transport.java:210)
>> W/System.err( 8799):    at
>> jcifs.util.transport.Transport.loop(Transport.java:122)
>> W/System.err( 8799):    at
>> jcifs.util.transport.Transport.run(Transport.java:258)
>> W/System.err( 8799):    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1096)
>> It looks like enter a dead loop, and print the error message endless. And i
>> have
>> no idea what has happened. The version of jcifs I used is 1.3.15. is anyone
>> could give me a help ?
>> Hi ntrees,
>> This is a low-level socket error. When JCIFS tries to close the
>> socket, the JVM socket code is reporting that the socket is not
>> connected. This exception should just be ignored and obviously it is
>> by the stock non-embedded JVM. You could modify the JCIFS code to
>> isolate and ignore this particular exception.
>> Mike
>> Hi, Mike
>> Thanks for your replay. Maybe I want to kown why JCIFS allways tries to
>> close the not connected socket ?
>> Do you think is a Bug ? Because it print the exception message *endlessly*
>> and *quickly* ! I think it will consume more system's resources.
>> Best Regards!
>> ntrees
Hi, Mike

Thanks Mike, I will try to modify the JCIFS code to ignore the exception
and create a bug report. en, I'm a newbits to Java and android. Maybe
it's a difficult mission for me! :-)

Thanks a lot, and Best regards!

ntrees (can you read chineses ?)

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