[jcifs] SmbFile - Last Accessed Time

Thomas Bley thomas.bley at simple-groupware.de
Mon Aug 21 07:54:11 GMT 2006


I added lastAccess() to jCIFS in the webdisk:
(The source and a compiled .jar is included)



Michael B Allen wrote:
> Can't do it with stock jCIFS. We never thought anyone would want
> it. Trans2QueryPathInformationResponse.java decodes it but the Info
> interface doesn't collect it and SmbFile doesn't have a method for it. It
> wouldn't be terribly difficult to add the necessary methods to propagate
> the value. Just copy SmbFile.lastModifed() to SmbFile.lastAccess()
> and trace down filling in what's needed.
> Mike
> On Sun, 20 Aug 2006 21:23:48 -0700 (PDT)
> Steve <spamcorn at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Hi guys;
>> I'm trying to replace a .Net/Windows app with a java
>> one using jCIFS instead of the Windows API to read
>> file metadata on a remote server.  Everything has
>> worked very smoothly, but I don't appear to be able to
>> find a method on SmbFile to read a file's last
>> accessed time (I've found create and modified ok).  
>> Any pointers?
>> All help greatly appreciated.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Steve
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