[jcifs] NTLM HTTP authentication with multiple domains

Charly karlduesentrieb at compuserve.de
Thu Mar 11 19:41:18 GMT 2004

> True. But the domain used is established and used within
> NtlmHttpFilter.doFilter() so you could very easily modify it to permit the
> domain to be specified within the HTTP request.
...seems to me that this is not thread safe at least without
Or I should use for every  domain a different instance of  NtlmHttpFilter.

> Note there is no way to
> "negotiate" which domain a user is in so you'll have to use a cookie or
> similar to determine that the first time the user visits the site.
this seems not true for me because as shown on
Type-1 Message
This message contains the host name and the NT domain name of the client.
So I could switch to the proper configuration/instance/domain controller
if I would know that.

Btw: is  http NTLM auth. functional also over https?


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