[jcifs] inconsistent NtlmHttpFilter behaviour

eglass1 at comcast.net eglass1 at comcast.net
Thu Apr 22 14:31:32 GMT 2004

The "smb-failure.pcap" appears to just be the terminal output from running the
trace (i.e. not the trace itself).
> Hi allen
> Thanks for the response. 
>        server os: debian woody
> serlet container: tomcat 5.0.19 jdk 1.4
>   client browser: Internet Explorer 6.0, windows 2000 professional
>    jcifs version: 0.8.3
> I do think it could be because of the smb signing thing which you
> mentioned in the email. I have asked our infrastructure team for
> clarifications if we are really using it. 
> According to your suggestion I have even captured the tcp dump between
> the client and the server and the server and the domain controller.
> These are included in the 2 trace files. For some reason I haven't been
> able to capture the same info in one single file. 
> Do you see anything fishy going on in this dump. 
> If the conclusion is that it has got to do with the timeout interval is
> there a temporary patch or workaround possible (sorry haven't checked
> the archive yet). 
> Thanks
> anand
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael B Allen [mailto:mba2000 at ioplex.com] 
> Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 4:17 AM

> To: Anand Raman
> Cc: jcifs at lists.samba.org
> Subject: Re: [jcifs] inconsistent NtlmHttpFilter behaviour
> What is;
>        server os:
> serlet container:
>   client browser:
>    jcifs version:
> Your packet captures do not contain any SMB traffic. One known problem
> is
> that if the server is using SMB signing (i.e. Win2k3 uses it by default)
> it will successfully authenticate the first user but subsequent
> authentications within the jcifs.smb.client.soTimeout period will fail.
> We
> are still speculating about how that should be fixed.
> Mike

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