[jcifs] Connection reset

Michael B Allen mba2000 at ioplex.com
Wed Nov 12 19:37:53 EST 2003

> Hello all,
> Can anybody explain me how to avoid following annoying exception message.
> It's appears in my webserver logs approx. every 20 min (under heavy usage
> of my
> application).
> Nov 12 09:08:26.896 - exception reading from socket input:
> MINSK<1C>/
> java.net.SocketException: Connection reset

Hi Anatol,

We have seen reports of this error. It is a low level socket error that
occurs when the remote host (the domain contoller) closes the socket at
it's end. Normally JCIFS closes the socket from it's end if the transport
is idle for jcifs.smb.client.soTimeout which the Filter set's to 10
minutes. It is not known why the remote host closes it's socket but it
does not appear to happn often so generally it is believed to be harmless.
JCIFS will just reconnect as necessary. I should probably isolate the
event and not print anything to the log stream about it. There have been
no reports that the excpetion has any impact on the performance of the

You might try different values for jcifs.smb.client.ssnLimit and see if it
has any effect though. Let us know what you find.


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