AW: [jcifs] jcifs.smb.SmbException: No description available[ERRS RV/90] - 15 Minutes per day

Eric eglass1 at
Tue Aug 26 09:57:02 EST 2003

Paul Gutenbrunner wrote:
>>	Hundreds of thousands! Are you sure the 
>>NtlmPasswordAuthentication object is
>>	being cached in the HttpSession? Or are you using HTTP POST?
> we are using GET. to mimimize the number of smb-logons, we made 
> a subclass of the filter which checks if if the user's session
> has already been authenticated. if not, the authentication takes place 
> (call the filter-method of the superclass), else nothing happens. 

The out-of-box filter should do this (if the NPA object is in the 
session, no attempt is made to authenticate the user).  Of course, if 
you have thousands of users, you will have thousands of SMB logons (one 
for each user).


P.S. --> someone might have to forward this to the list, apparently (my ISP) has been blacklisted for spam.  Yay.

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