AW: [jcifs] jcifs.smb.SmbException: No description available[ERRS RV/90] - 15 Minutes per day

Paul Gutenbrunner pagu at
Tue Aug 26 09:48:37 EST 2003

> 	Hundreds of thousands! Are you sure the 
> NtlmPasswordAuthentication object is
> 	being cached in the HttpSession? Or are you using HTTP POST?

we are using GET. to mimimize the number of smb-logons, we made 
a subclass of the filter which checks if if the user's session
has already been authenticated. if not, the authentication takes place 
(call the filter-method of the superclass), else nothing happens. 

> 	I'll look into a proper solution for this. Ideally I think 
> the session to the domain
> 	controller should just timeout after a certain period of 
> time if the session has been
> 	idle. 

but if the frequency of authentication requests is high,
the smb-session will never be idle (depending on the period 
of time). 

> Disabling multiplexing over transport or explicitly 
> closing transport periodically
> 	is not the correct way to deal with the problem.

what about closing the transport if a configurable
number of user-sessions has been reached?

> 	Mike


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