[jcifs] Problem connecting to NetWare

Michael B. Allen miallen at eskimo.com
Thu May 23 05:43:33 EST 2002

On Mon, 20 May 2002 08:45:37 -0500
"Tony Thompson" <tony.thompson at stone-ware.com> wrote:

> The attached zip file contains the log and the two data files.

I believe I have fixed the problem Tony. Can you please try FileOps.java
example again with this jar?



> > On Sun, 19 May 2002 11:06:44 -0500
> > "Tony Thompson" <tony.thompson at stone-ware.com> wrote:
> > 
> > > I zipped the file.  It should be attached.  I did not pull it through the SMB server.
> > 
> > 0000140   t       o   n       U   N   I   X   ,       s   m   b   f   s
> > 0000150       o   n       L   i   n   u   x   ,       a   n   d       e
> > 0000160   l   s   e   w   h   e   r   e   .  \r  \n   ` <--- 0x60 Backtick
> > 
> > Mmmm. There's a 0x60 reverse quote chacter appended. That's very odd. And
> > not good. I don't know spit about Netware. It could be a bug in Netware
> > that's only been exposed with jCIFS. Can you do me a big favor and run
> > this program and send me the data.0 and data.1 files it writes. Just
> > run it like:
> > 
> > java -Dlog=ALL NetWareWrite smb://admin:testing@ 
> > 
> > That will create data.0 and data.1 in that directory. Please send the
> > log too.
> > 
> > The data.1 file is actually one byte shorter. 362 is evenly divisable
> > by 2. Maybe Netware likes things word aligned.
> > 
> > Mike

May The Source be with you.

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