[cifs-protocol] 601628 RE: Mapping of MS-LSAD onto LDAP and DRS replications

Richard Guthrie rguthrie at microsoft.com
Wed Aug 13 02:57:14 GMT 2008

We have completed our investigation of your request to include information linking the structures in the backing store for LSA with the MS-LSAD documents.  We have focused on the methods related to trusted domain operations.  The list of these methods can be found in section  To summarize, all of these methods deal with various aspects of manipulating/querying Trusted Domain Objects as defined in section 7.1.6 of the MS-ADTS documentation.

We spoke about the method LsarSetTrustedDomainInfo so I also wanted to give you some research information on this method to show how it ties to the MS-ADTS documentation.  LsarSetTrustedDomainInfo takes in two parameters that need to be examined.  Below is the MIDL for this method:

     NTSTATUS LsarSetTrustedDomainInfo(
       [in] LSAPR_HANDLE PolicyHandle,
       [in] PRPC_SID TrustedDomainSid,
       [in] TRUSTED_INFORMATION_CLASS InformationClass,
       [in, switch_is(InformationClass)]
         PLSAPR_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFO TrustedDomainInformation

If we look at the information class we start to unravel what objects the method is working with.  If InformationClass enum is set to TrustedDomainNameInformation then the server must act as if an LsarCreateTrustedDomain message came in.  The TrustedDomainInformation object would contain a LSAPR_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_NAME_INFO (MS-LSAD section 2.2.43) object.  We would then look at the LsarCreateTrustedDomain method information in section MS-LSAD section and see that in the processing section this method must be processed in an identical manner to LsarCreateTrustedDomainEx.  This method also contains a processing note that this method must be processed in an identical manner to LsarCreateTrustedDomainEx2.  This method description provides the link to MS-ADTS 7.1.6 in its description of the TrustedDomainInformation structure.

Before we go into a mapping between the methods and the data structures let me go back to LsarSetTrustedDomainInfo.  If the information class is set to TrustedDomainInformationEx then if the object does not exist, the server MUST act as if an LsarCreateTrustedDomainEx message came in with TrustedDomainInformation, which takes us to LsarCreateTrustedDomainEx2 to link us to Active Directory as previously described.

Finally, if the InformationClass is set to TrustedPasswordInformation, then we must process as if an LsarSetSecret request had been made.  From the documentation “The server MUST verify that a trusted domain object with this SID exists in its policy database. If the object does not exist, the call MUST fail with STATUS_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN.”
Now examining each of these calls and the information in 7.1.6 we can come up with a mapping as follows for LsarSetTrustedDomainInfo:

1.)    InformationClass == TrustedDomainNameInformation
SAPR_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_NAME_INFO->Name maps to name of TDO in System Container (MS-ADTS section and MS-ADSC 2.227)

2.)    InformationClass == TrustedDomainInformationEx
Name - MS-ADTS section and MS-ADSC 2.227
 FlatName - MS-ADTS section
TrustDirection – MS-ADTS
TrustType – MS-ADTS
TrustAttributes – MS-ADTS

3.)    InformationClass == TrustedPasswordInformation
This can be any of the stored secret objects on the TDO such as TrustAuthIncoming and TrustAuthOutgoing (MS-ADTS section and

If there is anything you may need additional information on please let us know and we can provide further assistance.

Richard Guthrie
Open Protocols Support Team
Support Escalation Engineer, US-CSS DSC PROTOCOL TEAM 7100 N Hwy 161, Irving, TX - 75039 "Las Colinas - LC2"
Tel: +1 469 775 7794
E-mail: rguthrie at microsoft.com
We're hiring http://members.microsoft.com/careers/search/details.aspx?JobID=A976CE32-B0B9-41E3-AF57-05A82B88383E&start=1&interval=10&SortCol=DatePosted

From: Richard Guthrie
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2008 8:21 AM
To: Andrew Bartlett
Cc: pfif at tridgell.net; cifs-protocol at samba.org
Subject: RE: Mapping of MS-LSAD onto LDAP and DRS replications


I wanted to follow up on our conversation regarding LSA and your discussion on its backing data store.  I will also discuss security_descriptors and privileges to complete the discussion.  To start, all actions to the local LSA datastore are done via the defined LSA interface in LSAD.  There are two scenarios that I will walk you through here.  The first would be querying/updating a local privledge.  An example of this would be granting an account/group that is a local/domain account the privledge ‘Log on locally’.   This is done via the local LSA interface.  There is also some special cases where LSA receives updates to global domain wide policy settings such as for example Kerberos configuration settings like MaxTicketAge or MaxClockSkew.  These are commonly referred to as Domain LSA policies.  These settings maintained in a group policy object that is described in the following kb article kb 324800 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/324800).

LSA reads these values once they are picked up by Winlogon and applies then via the process described in LSAD section 1.3.  As you can see the only mechanism for updating values in the LSA datastore is via the interface described in MS-LSAD.  It is for this reason from an interoperability perspective that we define the datastore with an abstract interface leaving the decision on implementation to the implementor.  Some additional references for how these Kerberos settings work with regard to group policy can be found in MS-GPOL and MS-GPSB.

With regard to security descriptors, you can find documentation on this in MS-DRSR and also MS-DTYP.  MS-DRSR defines the security descriptor in section String(NT-Sec-Desc) and String(NT-Sec-Desc).  You can cross reference the example in with MS-DTYP in section 2.4.6 SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR which provides the typedef for this type.  These values are replicated with DRS.

Please review and let us know if this answers your question?

Richard Guthrie
Open Protocols Support Team
Support Escalation Engineer, US-CSS DSC PROTOCOL TEAM 7100 N Hwy 161, Irving, TX - 75039 "Las Colinas - LC2"
Tel: +1 469 775 7794
E-mail: rguthrie at microsoft.com
We're hiring http://members.microsoft.com/careers/search/details.aspx?JobID=A976CE32-B0B9-41E3-AF57-05A82B88383E&start=1&interval=10&SortCol=DatePosted

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Bartlett [mailto:abartlet at samba.org]
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2008 5:34 PM
To: Richard Guthrie
Cc: pfif at tridgell.net; cifs-protocol at samba.org
Subject: RE: Mapping of MS-LSAD onto LDAP and DRS replications

On Thu, 2008-07-17 at 08:20 -0700, Richard Guthrie wrote:
> Andrew,
> I think I have some answers for you but I wanted to clarify the
> question first.  As I understand it, you are looking to get
> information on how objects sync’ed via Directory Replication Services
> (DRS) look to a receiving application, what is their layout, how are
> they exposed to the application that has requested the sync via a
> mechanism like IDL_DRSGetNCChanges in the DRSUAPI interface (MS-DRSR)
> with respect to privledge and access control structures.  For example,
> if one were to replicate permissions or privledges between two domain
> controllers, what would that permissions object look like to the
> receiving domain controller and what would an application like the
> Local Security Authority (LSA) running on a domain controller see, how
> would it access them.   Is this a correct interpretation of what you
> are looking for?

Pretty much.  As I said, the SAMR documentation does a pretty good job of defining the operation of the server into the attributes it uses,
where the LSA document describes only an abstract store.

The background is that I need to correct our LSA implementation to use a compatible storage of privileges (in particular), so that if a privilege is set on a Microsoft DC, that I can read it after replicating it using DRS to a Samba DC.

Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett
Authentication Developer, Samba Team           http://samba.org
Samba Developer, Red Hat Inc.

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