[Samba] bsd printing and samba 4.17

Piviul piviul at riminilug.it
Thu Feb 8 07:57:01 UTC 2024

On 2/7/24 16:06, Peter Milesson via samba wrote:
> Hi Piviul,
> I use the fantastically simple utility inoticoming for processing 
> files hitting a directory during more than 10 years. I use it like this:
> inoticoming <watched dir> --suffix pdf sh <script for processing> {} 
> \; 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null
> In my case i use it for "remote" copying. The scanned file is stored 
> in the <watched dir> and sent to a remote printer through the <script 
> for processing> Note, the --suffix is case sensitive.
> inoticoming is available in Debian Bookworm.

Thanks Peter, could be a solution; can I ask you something more about 
inoticoming? I ask you because to monitor files added to some 
directories and run consequently actions, I'm using the inotify-tools. 
So I have created a service that read a .conf that contains the 
directories to monitor and the actions to take. But I'm not a debian 
developer and at every release upgrade I have some problem to have it 
working... so I would ask you if inoticoming is already a service and I 
can configure monitoring sources and actions to take in one or more 
.conf files... should be great!

Best regards


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