[Samba] Listing behaviour in 4.18

Andrew Bartlett abartlet at samba.org
Tue Feb 6 21:05:06 UTC 2024

So 4.18.10 has this fix of the bug as observed in that respect, but I
think you are seeing a broader example of that issue.
NFS4 in this context is not actual NFS, but a type of unix filesystem
permission system closely modelled on NT ACLs, deployed in many
filesystems Samba uses, as the translation is much more direct.
But even without that, it may be we are seeing the same issues, say for
looking up extended attributes for the dos attributes perhaps?
Can you make a bugzilla report (I've given you an invite), referencing
(see also) this bug?
It won't guarantee a fix (see Samba commercial support for assured ways
of getting that) bug will at least have it tracked. 
Andrew Bartlett
On Tue, 2024-02-06 at 15:17 +0100, Ilias Chasapakis forumZFD via samba
> Dear Rowland,
> Thank you for your answer. We hoped that 4.18.10 that was recently
> released would include some change on this regard, but unfortunately
> not.
> We are in a quite difficult position to explain this to users and
> asking to whom creates a folder structure for first to create a text
> file with the names of the folders for the colleagues to see, it is
> really quite a workaround we would like to avoid as it adds useless
> overhead to the process of applying for rights to a folder.
> Is there any idea about something we can tweak in ACLs or in the
> samba conf that could bring back the original behaviour of listing
> for users that don´t have access?  I.e. list the folder and just
> produce the "access denied" message?(as mentioned in the initial
> message access based share enum = no, hide unreadable = no are set
> but did not apply. Do we miss something there or are those deprecated
> anyway?)
> BestIlias
> Am 23.01.24 um 18:21 schrieb Rowland Penny via samba:
> > On Tue, 23 Jan 2024 17:20:22 +0100Ilias Chasapakis forumZFD via
> > samba <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:
> > > Dear all,
> > > Passing from samba 4.17 to 4.18 we noticed a change in behaviour
> > > infolder/files listing.
> > > In 4.17 when someone had read and open rights for a folder but
> > > nowrite/modify access then the folder would be visible but
> > > clicking onany "non-accessible" resource resulted in a message
> > > notifying that noaccess was granted.
> > > Since 4.18 the folder is simply completely invisible. I don´ t
> > > argueabout this being "correct" behaviour or not. It is just that
> > > ourusers where just used to having the whole list and knowing
> > > what is inthere (and eventually ask access to it to us or the
> > > relevantdepartment that then forwards to us).
> > > Is there a way to have that "old behaviour" back while still
> > > usingsamba 4.18? We tried the options suggested in some forums
> > > (accessbased share enum = no, hide unreadable = no) for the
> > > sambaconfiguration to no avail. Is there actually some option or
> > > any otherACL setting technique that can bring back that
> > > behaviour?
> > I wonder if you have run into the fall out from fixing bug 15093 ?
> > https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15093
> > 
> > I know that you haven't mentioned NFS, but it is the only thing
> > that Ican think of that seems to have relevance.
> > Rowland  
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Andrew Bartlett (he/him)       https://samba.org/~abartlet/
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