[Samba] Listing behaviour in 4.18

Ilias Chasapakis forumZFD chasapakis at forumZFD.de
Tue Feb 6 14:17:57 UTC 2024

Dear Rowland,

Thank you for your answer. We hoped that 4.18.10 that was recently 
released would include some change on this regard, but unfortunately not.

We are in a quite difficult position to explain this to users and asking 
to whom creates a folder structure for first to create a text file with 
the names of the folders for the colleagues to see, it is really quite a 
workaround we would like to avoid as it adds useless overhead to the 
process of applying for rights to a folder.

Is there any idea about something we can tweak in ACLs or in the samba 
conf that could bring back the original behaviour of listing for users 
that don´t have access?  I.e. list the folder and just produce the 
"access denied" message?
(as mentioned in the initial message access based share enum = no, hide 
unreadable = no are set but did not apply. Do we miss something there or 
are those deprecated anyway?)


Am 23.01.24 um 18:21 schrieb Rowland Penny via samba:
> On Tue, 23 Jan 2024 17:20:22 +0100
> Ilias Chasapakis forumZFD via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> Passing from samba 4.17 to 4.18 we noticed a change in behaviour in
>> folder/files listing.
>> In 4.17 when someone had read and open rights for a folder but no
>> write/modify access then the folder would be visible but clicking on
>> any "non-accessible" resource resulted in a message notifying that no
>> access was granted.
>> Since 4.18 the folder is simply completely invisible. I don´ t argue
>> about this being "correct" behaviour or not. It is just that our
>> users where just used to having the whole list and knowing what is in
>> there (and eventually ask access to it to us or the relevant
>> department that then forwards to us).
>> Is there a way to have that "old behaviour" back while still using
>> samba 4.18? We tried the options suggested in some forums (access
>> based share enum = no, hide unreadable = no) for the samba
>> configuration to no avail. Is there actually some option or any other
>> ACL setting technique that can bring back that behaviour?
> I wonder if you have run into the fall out from fixing bug 15093 ?
> https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15093
> I know that you haven't mentioned NFS, but it is the only thing that I
> can think of that seems to have relevance.
> Rowland
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Ilias Chasapakis
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