[Samba] DC Time Problems

Ham ham at kc0dxf.net
Wed Oct 25 16:53:07 UTC 2023

It appears that none of our windows clients are syncing their time with 
the samba DC.    From what I can tell they are not able to get a 
response from the DC.  For example, where the DC is named athena:

     >w32tm /monitor /computers:athena


       ICMP: 0ms delay

       NTP: error ERROR_TIMEOUT - no response from server in 1000ms

 From a Linux machine there is also no response:

    ntpdate -q athena
    24 Oct 16:47:41 ntpdate[33581]: no server suitable for
    synchronization found

Here is the DC /etc/ntpsec/ntp.conf:

# Where to retrieve the time from
server 0.pool.ntp.org     iburst prefer
server 1.pool.ntp.org     iburst prefer
server 2.pool.ntp.org     iburst prefer

driftfile       /var/lib/ntpsec/ntp.drift
logfile         /var/log/ntp.log
#logconfig =all
ntpsigndsocket  /var/lib/samba/ntp_signd/

# Access control
# Default restriction: Allow clients only to query the time
#restrict default kod nomodify notrap nopeer limited mssntp
restrict -4 default kod limited nomodify notrap nopeer noquery mssntp
# No restrictions for "localhost"
# Enable the time sources to only provide time to this host
restrict 0.pool.ntp.org   mask    nomodify notrap nopeer 
restrict 1.pool.ntp.org   mask    nomodify notrap nopeer 
restrict 2.pool.ntp.org   mask    nomodify notrap nopeer 

My DC is using Debian 11 and the Samba package from Debian.

Any ideas on what the problem is?


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