[Samba] Linux/Windows Domain Controller

matti.kaupenjohann matti.kaupenjohann at fh-dortmund.de
Wed Oct 18 16:05:26 UTC 2023

Hello Together,

we are updating at the moment our old 2012 DCs to 2022 DCs. For a test 
scenario we were tempted to finally try for dc03 and dc04 a linux 
machine as DC. But at the point we tried to join the machine as a dc we 
go prompted by the ugly message:

DsAddEntry failed with status WERR_ACCESS_DENIED info (8567,

We investigated what might be the issue an found: 

Is it really impossible to join the existing domain on dc01 and dc02? 
Sadly we have some really old scripts laying around and in the short 
term it is diffcult to relay only on linux dcs.

Kind Regards

Matti Kaupenjohann

Fachhochschule Dortmund
University of Applied Sciences and Arts

*Kaupenjohann, Matti*
FB Informationstechnik,

Sonnenstraße 96 - 44139 Dortmund
Raum SON-A A615
Tel     0231 9112 9371
matti.kaupenjohann at fh-dortmund.de

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