[Samba] Provisioning new AD Domain Controller

Rowland Penny rpenny at samba.org
Thu Nov 30 18:37:50 UTC 2023

On Thu, 30 Nov 2023 13:05:08 -0500
Mark Foley via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:

> The wiki
> https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Setting_up_Samba_as_an_Active_Directory_Domain_Controller#Create_a_reverse_zone
> says, "For a DC with the FQDN of dc1.samdom.example.com and the
> ipaddress of, to add a record to the 0.99.10.in-addr.arpa
> ..."
> Is this correct or should the rDNS PTR be 1.99.10.in-addr.arpa? 
> I just want to make sure this isn't a typeo.
> Thanks --Mark

No it isn't a typo, but it is just an example which will give you 255

From the given example '', you would take the first three
octets '10.99.0' and reverse them '0.99.10', add '.in-addr.arpa' to get
'0.99.10.in-addr.arpa' and this would be the name for the reversezone.

If you require more clients, just take less octets e.g. '10.99' would
give you '99.10.in-addr.arpa'


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