[Samba] understanding stat cache

Ulrich Sibiller ulrich.sibiller at eviden.com
Mon Nov 13 14:54:11 UTC 2023

Rowland Penny wrote:

> Without knowing how you are running Samba, it is a bit hard to comment

What exactly would be of interest regarding "how I run Samba"? 

> , but what I can say is, version 4.10.16 is ancient from the Samba point of view, it is no longer supported directly by Samba. Perhaps trying a much later version might help.

Yeah, but it complicates things as 4.10.16 is the Redhat version. So I was trying to avoid using another version. But I will see If I can make it run.

>> smb.conf has
>>       max stat cache size = 512

> That is the default on later versions of Samba.

And also on mine.


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