[Samba] Updating OpenSSL from 1.x to 3 breaks kinit

MATYAS, Tibor tibor.matyas at dsi-as.de
Thu Nov 2 15:04:50 UTC 2023

Dear all,

updating openssl from 1.1.x to 3.x on our gentoo systems (recompiled 
everything against the new openssl!)
breaks kinit:

kinit administrator at xxxx
administrator at xxxx's Password:
kinit: rc4 8: EVP_CipherInit_ex einit

kinit -F -k -t /etc/dhcpduser.keytab -c /tmp/dhcp-dyndns.cc dhcpduser at xxxx
kinit: rc4 8: EVP_CipherInit_ex einit

openssl list -cipher-algorithms | grep -i RC4
unfortunately no solution found so far.

Thanks in advance, Tibor

DSI Aerospace GmbH

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