[Samba] Rocky linux 9 - Samba AD

Metin Koc metkoc at outlook.com
Thu Jun 22 19:46:40 UTC 2023

Thanks a lot for advices 

-----Original Message-----
From: samba <samba-bounces at lists.samba.org> On Behalf Of Rowland Penny via samba
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2023 7:55 PM
To: samba at lists.samba.org
Cc: Rowland Penny <rpenny at samba.org>
Subject: Re: [Samba] Rocky linux 9 - Samba AD

On 22/06/2023 17:39, Metin Koc wrote:
> Thx for the answer Rowland. I thought me saying Samba AD was just enough but spot on, I am trying to install Samba AD DC. Let me ask that way then is there any easy solution on the horizon? Couse I really don't think that I can build Samba myself.
> Metin

I thought that was you meant, but better safe than sorry :-)

I think Tranquil IT is probably the way to go, they have a (slightly
outdated) webpage here:


They also seem to have a repo here:


Never having used a DC on RHEL or one of its clones, perhaps Denis could step in here and point out any difference between RHEL8 and 9 and how to use the repo ?

Of course, given the latest news, perhaps you might just be better off using Debian.


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