[Samba] Synology shares not accessible...

Ingo Asche foren at asche-rz.de
Tue Jun 20 19:16:29 UTC 2023

Rowland Penny via samba schrieb am 20.06.2023 um 21:01:

> Try adding to the bug report.
Would that be ok even it's happening on a Synology? Just don't want to 
mess around.
> I don't think that it is their fault, but we will never know, I don't 
> think we will ever see what modifications they have made to the Samba 
> code. However, you do not seem to get the problem with a later Samba 
> version and the SID S-1-18-1 (which is only mentioned as an 'aside' to 
> the bug) appears to have something to do with S4U2Self and I think 
> quite a bit of work has been done on that.
You're right fault was the wrong word, ment more caused through their 
changes to Samba.
> It may just be that synology needs to use a later version of Samba.
As I wrote before, I have set up a member server using Samba 4.15.9 and 
4.15.13, the versions they use as a base. And even they worked without 
problems. So in my opinion it can only be caused through their extensions.

But of course as 4.15 is already EOL a newer version would be better.
> Rowland

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