[Samba] SaMBa 4.16.4 adds users to ACLs as groups

Christian Naumer christian.naumer at greyfish.net
Thu Jun 15 06:41:58 UTC 2023

Am Mittwoch, dem 14.06.2023 um 18:48 +0200 schrieb Tamás Németh via samba:
> # file: newfile.docx                      #This file has a (probably
> unnecessary) POSIX ACL
> # owner: user_1
> # group: domain\040users
> user::rw-
> user:user_1:rw-                            #I'm already the owning user
> having the same permissions. Why am I also explicitly added to the POSIX
> ACL?
> group::rw-
> group:domain\040users:rw--        #It's already the owning group having the
> same permissions. Why is it also explicitly added to the POSIX ACL?
> mask::rwx #Shouldn't it only be rw?
> other::---

This has nothing to to with Samba if ACLs are enabled and the directory has some default ACLs
this also happens if you create the file on the server via ssh or on the cli. At least this is
the case for me.



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