[Samba] Access from one box but denied from the other

m31 m31 at charter.net
Mon Sep 16 15:20:00 GMT 2002

I have samba setup and serving properly to one of my Win2K boxes, I can access shares and create/delete/move files from one of my Win2K hosts but not the others. I went through a bazillion steps debugging to get the first Win2k box connecting so its hard to say what it is that the other boxes (or the samba server) isn't doing.

When trying to connect from one of the other Win2K boxes (through explorer) I get the message:
"The account is not authorized to login from this station"

When I try to login from a dos prompt with `net view \\HOST\SHARE` it says:
"Access denied"

Can anyone tell what's wrong here?
My smb.conf:

workgroup = WORKGROUP

map to guest = Bad User


character set = ISO8859-15

os level = 2

printing = lprng

veto files = /*.eml/*.nws/riched20.dll/*.{*}/


comment = Home Directories

read only = No

create mask = 0640

directory mask = 0750

browseable = No


comment = All Printers

path = /var/tmp

create mask = 0600

printable = Yes

browseable = No


path = /archive1

read only = No

create mask = 0640

directory mask = 0750

Justin Hannus
Lead Programmer/Web Development
jhannus at visualconceptsinc.com
[860] 242.1150 ext.125
[860] 242.1446 fax
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