[Samba] Excel

___cliff rayman___ cliff at genwax.com
Tue Mar 26 11:18:04 GMT 2002

the permissions of the directory where the spreadsheet is stored
must allow write access for everyone who is allowed to modify
the spreadsheet files.  it sounds like excel is attempting to rename
a work file into the save file name, but it does not have the directory
permissions to do so.

martin at digconn.co.uk wrote:

> We can save, Retrieve and modify any files we palce on the server except Excel and Staroffice
> Spreadsheets. Only the original owner is allowed to edit. Going into the folder on the Server and
> altering permissions does not make any difference. If however we change the owner then a new
> owner can edit. When you save a spreadsheet the save takes ages and then errors with 'Save not
> completed. Rename failed. Retry' If we answer cancel we gwt a message saying the files has been
> saved in 8789Ew300 or some such name.
> --

___cliff rayman___cliff at genwax.com___http://www.genwax.com/

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