[Samba] Excel

martin at digconn.co.uk martin at digconn.co.uk
Tue Mar 26 00:15:11 GMT 2002

I know this must be a silly question but I have read through a whole book and several How-To's and extra chapters in various books.

I have a Samba Server running under Mandrake 8.1.

We can save, Retrieve and modify any files we palce on the server except Excel and Staroffice Spreadsheets. Only the original owner is allowed to edit. Going into the folder on the Server and altering permissions does not make any difference. If however we change the owner then a new owner can edit.

When you save a spreadsheet the save takes ages and then errors with 'Save not completed. Rename failed. Retry' If we answer cancel we gwt a message saying the files has been saved in 8789Ew300 or some such name.

I must have missed a permission somewhere but I cannot find it.

Can anyone tell me what is happening and how to fix it.


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