[Samba] Fail on "Test 8" - proposed solution fails... (2)

brassow jbrassow at isd.net
Sun Mar 10 14:26:02 GMT 2002

I have run through DIAGNOSIS.txt and gotten to step 8.  When entering :
> net view \\<my server name>
I get:
Error 86: The specified network password is not correct.  Type the correct password, or contact your network administrator for more information.

This is funny, because when I type:
> testparm /etc/samba/smb.conf <my client name> <clients ip addr>
I get:
Allow connection from <my client name> (<ip addr>) to tmp

I am logged in on the client with a valid samba username and password and have tested this on this combo on the samba server.

If I simply run a "net view" on the win client, all is good, and I can see the server.

Additionally, running a "nbtstat -a <my server>, it reports all is registered.

I have checked the faq and the GOTCHAS.txt, and I haven't been able to find a solution.

Does anyone know what is going on here?  Do you need more information?


ps sorry if this appears twice, I mailed to samba at samba.org before realizing the correct address was samba at lists.samba.org
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