access to shares..

Sano B Rutsen heiko at
Thu Dec 27 23:39:02 GMT 2001

    In the past years ive implemented samba to authenticate users to logon to my domain. From there they will be able to access their home directories and a public folder. That was the old case, but now we have winME box that does not authenticate with any domain it just the logs in to windows. The thing here is that when the user tries to access the Samba server in the network neighbohod to access the Public folder he is denied access. 

	we then created a user in our samba server, "smbuser", and created a user also named "smbuser" in the winMe box. We tried to login smbuser to the windows box itself(Not the domain logons with the samba server just with windows itself username/password). Then we tried to access the samba server shares in the network neighborhood and surprisingly it was able to access it and presented with the public folder and the home directory, eventhough it just logon to the windows itself not authenticated through a network domain such as samba server. 

My question is:
1. How do i make a client pc w/c does not logon/authenticated by samba server to access the a public folder.

2. Why is it that a user from my client that has a similar name in the samba server can access the home directory of the user in the samba server, the user in the client pc was created and authenticated locally by the winME by the samba server through domain logons? 

	2.1 isnt it that users whether they have thesame name with a user/account in the samba server, should not be given access except to public folders, unless they are configured to logon to that samba server and be authenticated with the password of the user registered in samba server not the password of the user in windows?


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