logon errors, write_socket_data: write failure. Error =Brokenpipe

Lee Howard faxguy at deanox.com
Fri Oct 27 18:27:51 GMT 2000

Can somebody who knows C better than me look at the write_socket_data
routine below and tell me under what conditions I would see the following

write_socket_data: write failure. Error = Broken pipe

This always appears in this fashion:

[2000/10/26 16:07:52, 0] lib/util_sock.c:write_socket_data(540)
  write_socket_data: write failure. Error = Broken pipe
[2000/10/26 16:07:52, 0] lib/util_sock.c:write_socket(566)
  write_socket: Error writing 4 bytes to socket 6: ERRNO = Broken pipe
[2000/10/26 16:07:52, 0] lib/util_sock.c:send_smb(754)
  Error writing 4 bytes to client. -1. Exiting

I know that it would correlate with one of:

SSL_write(ssl,buffer + total,N - total)
send(fd,buffer + total,N - total, 0)
send(fd,buffer + total,N - total,0)

returning the value of -1, but I don't know what send() or SSL_write() do.


Lee Howard

( from samba-2.0.7/source/lib/util_sock.c ):

 Write data to a socket - use send rather than write.

ssize_t write_socket_data(int fd,char *buffer,size_t N)
  size_t total=0;
  ssize_t ret;

  while (total < N)
#ifdef WITH_SSL
    if(fd == sslFd){
      ret = SSL_write(ssl,buffer + total,N - total);
      ret = send(fd,buffer + total,N - total, 0);
#else /* WITH_SSL */
    ret = send(fd,buffer + total,N - total,0);
#endif /* WITH_SSL */

    if (ret == -1) {
      DEBUG(0,("write_socket_data: write failure. Error = %s\n",
      return -1;
    if (ret == 0) return total;

    total += ret;
  return (ssize_t)total;

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