about buildfarm tidiness

Björn JACKE bj at SerNet.DE
Mon Nov 1 03:55:01 MDT 2010


setting up a buildfarm host should be somehting like a setup-once-and-done job
but that is only true for systems that have plenty of hard disk space. On
systems with small hard disks you have to clean up behing the build farm
scripts continously.

When I look at the content of the build_farm firectory then there are plenty of
ancient files, ancient built tree subdirectories like those from the samba_3_0
via lorikeet-heimdal up to the samba_4_0_waf which have partly been
discontinued since years and just lurk around to eat plenty of space. Can we
clean up discontinued build trees somehow?

In addition to that the /tmp/ dir is also continously being filled with data
(mostly TDB file with mktemp-like filenames) which are not being deleted after
use in the build farm tests. On the sles8 build host this have been 100MB in
half a month. Some days ago I wiped out about 2GB of data on that host after it
ran out of space. You can have a look at any random build host to see the same
effect there. How can we fix that?

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