[SCM] Samba Shared Repository - branch v3-2-test updated - release-3-2-0pre2-2478-g79bda44#

Jeremy Allison jra at samba.org
Tue May 27 15:30:39 GMT 2008

On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 08:15:15AM +0200, Karolin Seeger wrote:
> Would you please explain why this parameter is evil an why it should be
> re-enabled between rc1 an the final release (or maybe rc2)?

Volker explained why it is evil. :-). This one is definately
your call. It's low-to-no risk (which is why I added the
patch), but definately not required. There are people 
out there (remaining nameless :-) who are investigating
Samba performance for large-scale systems, who need to
be able to turn this parameter on and off for comparison.
The rest of the supporting code for it is already in the
tree, and this was the one missing piece to complete it.

Had none of the other code been present I would definately
not have added it, but as most of it was already there it
seemed churlish not to complete it by allowing a parameter
to be read :-).


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