unix passwd sync and nis

Philipp Grau phgrau at mail.wi-bw.tfh-wildau.de
Thu Apr 2 08:31:06 GMT 1998

Hello samba-dancers,

I have a bit trouble with the new passwd sync feature:
Our samba server (main branch) is not our YP/NIS server.
So I tried to set the password with smbpasswd on the samba
server (entrypted passwords) and on the NIS server.
I used the following settings and got the according error
messages (the only change is the "%u" ins the passwd program line):


 unix password sync = yes
 passwd program = /usr/bin/yppasswd %U
 passwd chat = *\n*old*password* %n\n *new*password* %n\n \
                *new*password* %n\n *changed*
Dochild for user phgrau (uid=0,gid=0)
*old*password*] responsebuf=[Changing NIS account information for phgrau on
Please enter root password:]
response 1 incorrect
Child failed to change password: phgrau
end of file from client 

Since I do the smbpasswd call as user "phgrau" why wants "yppasswd" the root
password?? Yes, I see the uid=0,gid=0 thing! I think it would be better
if the "Dochild" was done with the uid and gid of phgrau or???



 unix password sync = yes
 passwd program = /usr/bin/yppasswd
 passwd chat = *\n*old*password* %n\n *new*password* %n\n \
               *new*password* %n\n *changed*   

Dochild for user phgrau (uid=0,gid=0)
*old*password*] responsebuf=[Unknown error
yppasswd: unknown user (uid=0).
response 1 incorrect
Child failed to change password: phgrau
end of file from client 

Here again the call of "Dochild" with uid,gid=0 is that ok?
Am I wrong with something??

Any hints??

Philipp Grau

 Philipp Grau, Sysadmin, Raum 123a, Tel. +49-3375 508-136, 
		 phgrau at wi-bw.tfh-wildau.de in Wildau

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