[jcifs] Strange authentication

Mike NKONGOLO mikenkongolo at yahoo.fr
Sat Feb 19 21:06:51 GMT 2005

Please again,
I wrote in the beginning of the week to just insure about the process to implement ntlm authentication using jcifs and against an active directory.
I've followed all instructions in ntlm authentication description after having downloaded jcifs.jar and copy it in the appropriate folder.
But no reaction when trying to access to the application (Tomcat, MS-SQL server and JSP pages) via windows credentials (userid and password located in active directory).
Please your help will put me out of great difficulties area... 
I'm from DRCongo: 00243816902392.

<P>MIKE NKONGOLO KABWA-KA-NTANDA<BR>B3J 708, Salongo-Sud, C/Lemba   <BR>tél.: +243816902392   efax: 19149314330                                                  
site perso: mnkongolo.populus.ch
e-mail: <A href="mailto:mikenkongolo at yahoo.fr">mikenkongolo at yahoo.fr</A><A href="mailto: mnkongolo2 at hotmail.com"> mnkongolo2 at hotmail.com</A> </P>
<P>Kinshasa- République Démocratique du Congo</P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
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