[jcifs] HTTP headers and status code

Richard Heap richardheap at beeb.net
Fri Feb 18 11:45:49 GMT 2005

Why are you surprised that isCommitted() returns false when your JSP 
gets control? Until you write something to the Response object (and 
exhaust its buffer - or call flush()) it won't write anything back to 
the client. Up until that point *you* can control the status code that 
you wish to send to the client (with setStatus(int) or sendError(int 
[,String])), or send a redirect etc.

gracy at spymac.com wrote:

>I use the NTLM filter to authenticate users against a windows domain (it works
>correctly) but when I use this: (In a JSP or in other filter after NtlmHttpFilter
>I'm trying both) 
>request.getContentLength() --> returns -1   ???
>response.isCommitted()     --> returns false
>And I need the length of the page and the status code of the response of the server
>What can I get this?
>On Fri Feb 18  1:33 , Michael B Allen <mba2000 at ioplex.com> sent:
>>Please send all messages to the list.
>>On Fri, 18 Feb 2005 01:07:10 -0700
>>gracy at spymac.com> wrote:
>>>Hi Mike!
>>>I don't know how to get this two values (Content-length and status-code):
>>>I've used request.getContentLength() in the last guy in the chain (when
>>>the NTLM protocol has finished) and thats return "-1".
>>And what do you get if you take the NTLM filter out of the chain?
>>IRC - where men are men, women are men, and the boys are FBI agents.
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