[jcifs] Help: implementation of JCIFS with NTLM authentication against ACTIVE Directory in Win2k

Mike NKONGOLO mikenkongolo at yahoo.fr
Thu Feb 17 11:36:44 GMT 2005

I am new in the area of authentication.
Could someone help me implementing ntlm authentication against active directory by the way of a login web page to an application based on JSP.
I need:
1. An explanation of all the processes (from having jcifs to implementation of authentication in the login page if needed.
2. Give me steps to follow to implement it quickly
3. Give a proposition on how to demonstrate it to public (I've heard that ntlm is a silent process of authentication).
Wait for an urgent reply.

<P>MIKE NKONGOLO KABWA-KA-NTANDA<BR>B3J 708, Salongo-Sud, C/Lemba   <BR>tél.: +243816902392   efax: 19149314330                                                  
site perso: mnkongolo.populus.ch
e-mail: <A href="mailto:mikenkongolo at yahoo.fr">mikenkongolo at yahoo.fr</A><A href="mailto: mnkongolo2 at hotmail.com"> mnkongolo2 at hotmail.com</A> </P>
<P>Kinshasa- République Démocratique du Congo</P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
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