Antwort: Re: [jcifs] NTLM handshake slow, and interruped after the 3rd GET

Michael B Allen mba2000 at
Tue Feb 8 20:34:08 GMT 2005

On Tue, 8 Feb 2005 15:51:58 +0100
Balazs Szuecs <balazs.szuecs at> wrote:

> I found a post in the archives, with the same problem:
> there is suggested, that you should use an older jcifs version, such as 
> 0.9.6 - I tried it, and it works fine!!!!

Note the OP of that post later reported that upgrading to Tomcat 1.4.31
fixed the problem for him. NTLM HTTP Authentication is very fickle about
messaging during the handshake.

> I did some research, and I have found out, that those 60s delays are there
> because the browser assumes (why?) that it is SimpleNTLM, which is time 
> based, and can count only in minutes. I don't really understand it, 

Neither do I.

IRC - where men are men, women are men, and the boys are FBI agents.

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