packaging samba and spotlight

Rouven WEILER Rouven_Weiler at
Fri Jan 25 09:22:54 UTC 2019

I am thinking about how to package samba with spotlight support.
The situation:
Samba it self compiles well with spotlight. However, spotlight needs trackerwhich by itself needs a huge amount of dependencies one would not have on his/her system.
Packagins that as a whole will install a whole amoutn of packages one would not need on a server (gtk,, x11, etc.). A plain headless file server normally does not need a whole X11 system.
Is there a way of compiling maybe simply a kind of add-on for samba necessary to use for spotlight?
I think of having a "samba-base" package plus "samba-spotlight".
The former has all base funcionality and the latter would bring in all stuff needed for spotlight.
"samba-spotlight" would then be installable/removable without harming the base samba.
Would that work and how?
Or is it possible to compile a very essential tracker (static lib?) that might be used for samba?

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