Patch for showing Username instead of UID in 'smbstatus -L'

Volker Lendecke Volker.Lendecke at SerNet.DE
Wed Jul 4 14:02:54 UTC 2018

On Wed, Jul 04, 2018 at 05:57:39PM +0530, Amit via samba-technical wrote:
>                 struct server_id_buf tmp;
>                 d_printf("%-11s  ", server_id_str_buf(e->pid, &tmp));
> -               d_printf("%-9u  ", (unsigned int)e->uid);
> +               d_printf("%-9u  ", uidtoname(e->uid));

This looks fishy. %-9u being given a string should generate a warning
in the build. Can you re-check?


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